Laser Post-Op Instructions


Do not be alarmed if you notice any of the following:

  • Light bleeding
  • Slight swelling
  • Some soreness, tenderness, or tooth sensitivity
  • Medicinal taste from mouth rinse.
  • Any color changes or appearance of tissues following laser therapy.  Tissues can be gray, yellow, red, blue, purple, “stringy”, and reflect a normal response to laser treatments.

Swelling may possibly occur.  You may place ice on the outside of your face for 20 minutes each hour.  Do not use an ice pack after the first day.

Some oozing of blood may occur.  You may place pressure on these areas with a wet tea bag.  If you feel you are having excessive bleeding, please call the office.

Do not be alarmed if your teeth become sore, tender, or sensitive as the bone and ligaments around the teeth regenerate.  This is a sign of healing, but also indicates the presence of a bite imbalance that needs to be adjusted.

Brushing & Rinsing

It is OK to spit, rinse, and wash your mouth.  Rinse as directed with oral rinse recommended by Drs. Nygaard or Poovey after each meal and at bedtime.  Do not chew on the side of your mouth that has been treated.

Try to keep your mouth as clean as possible in order to help the healing process.  You may brush and floss in areas of your mouth that we DID NOT do surgery.

DO NOT BRUSH or FLOSS THE SURGICAL AREA FOR 2 WEEKS after the last surgical visit! Only RINSE.

DO NOT PICK at the clot between the teeth and gums!

Do not use an electric toothbrush for 6 weeks after the last surgical visit. 


Reduce physical activity for the first day following the surgery.

Do not apply excessive tongue or cheek pressure to the surgical area.

It is very important to maintain a good food and fluid intake.  Try to eat soft but nutritious food such as eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, etc., until you can comfortably return to a normal diet. Laser Post-Op Diet

If medications have been prescribed, take exactly as directed.